Rebuilding Together supports Indianapolis Colts Project Playground

Volunteers create the “Once Upon a Time” outdoor reading area during the 2015
Indianapolis Colts Project Playground event on September 29, 2015 at IPS Floro
Torrence Elementary School.
Rebuilding Together Indianapolis was thrilled to serve as the volunteer engagement partner for the Indianapolis Colts Project Playground at IPS Floro Torrence Elementary School located at 42nd Street and Emerson Avenue. The project marked the fifth year Rebuilding Together Indianapolis provided site project coordination and volunteer engagement to the Colts Playground initiative.
While the Indianapolis Colts team targeted the main playground improvement project, Rebuilding Together Indianapolis managed and coordinated several supporting projects. Those projects included installation of a new quarter mile fitness trail, an outdoor classroom, a reading area, garden beds, a peace pole gathering area, seal coat surface of the paved area, a new kickball diamond and landscaping and benches. The Indianapolis Colts Project Playground is an excellent example of Rebuilding Together Indianapolis’ mission of preserving local neighborhoods. The playground will be accessible by community residents when the school is closed.
The project was a one day volunteer blitz to get the majority of the on-site work installed as IPS elementary students eagerly await the opportunity to play, exercise and learn. This community playground will be maintained by the IPS facilities staff and shared and enjoyed by surrounding neighbors. For more information on Rebuilding Together Indianapolis, visit Additional information on the Colts project playground can be found at